Director, co-cinematographer, editor, and colorist for a book release trailer for Shellie Pomeroy of Silk & Willow.
Director, editor, and colorist for “An Artist’s Eye for Photographing Wedding Details” Educational Course Trailer for Corbin Gurkin — with creative cinematography by Josh Gooden.
Director, co-cinematographer, editor, and colorist for a short piece for Kiana Underwood of Tulipina.
Director, lead cinematographer, and editor for a narrative process film for Kiana and Nate Underwood of Tulipina.
Director, editor, and colorist for a home renovation/story film for Michelle Rago — with cinematography by Josh Gooden.
Director, team cinematographer, and lead editor for Engage!24 Amelia Island Summit.
Assistant cinematographer and set photographer for “Salzburg Summer” by Lowland Hum. In collaboration with directors and editors, Forrest and Zaynah Akeel Pando — with cinematography by Josh Gooden.